書種分類 > 學生自修系列 / 補充練習 / 升學及就業 |
[ 上一頁 ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [ 下一頁 ] 10頁 之 第 2 頁 (共 99 筆記錄)
內容簡介 |
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《星島日報》致力提供最新最全面的教育資訊,備受老師、家長和學生推崇。《星島日報》特刊組現隆重推出《25/26小一入學家長天書》,包羅家長關心的議題及實用資訊,隨書更附有《25/26直資.私立.國際小學完全手冊》,兩冊內容近300 頁,極具參考價值。
第一冊 : 《25/26小一入學家長天書》
星島教育天書 幼稚園家長選校必讀
✓ 校長親授叩門貼士 成功取錄致勝之道
✓ 教育專家破解迷思
- 傳統名校一定好?
- 直資勝官津?
✓ 選校新趨勢!
- 家長鍾情 注重啟發潛能小學
另冊 : 《25/26直資.私立.國際小學完全手冊》
✓ 全新輯錄 直資.私立.國際小學 資料庫
✓ 逐一剖析拆解!
- 直資小學課程優勢
- 直資 Vs. 私立如何選擇?
- 各直資私立小學特點及知名校友
✓ 校長分享!
- 灌輸世界觀視野小學成家長選校關鍵
作 者 |
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《星島日報》特刊組 |
系 列 |
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教育 |
出版 社 |
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星島日報出版有限公司 |
出版日期 |
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2024年5月 |
書 度 |
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21.5 cm x 27 cm |
頁 數 |
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Book A 160頁 / Book B 144頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789623485470 |
書 價 |
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HK$128 |
返回頁首 |
《Revision Series: Integrated Science Book Two (Third Edition)》
內容簡介 |
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The series comprises 3 volumes covering the core curriculum of Integrated Science.
Enormous effort was made to present scientific concepts in simple and concise English.
Bilingual glossaries of keywords are provided for easy reference.
Revision notes are presented in point forms to facilitate the understanding and memorizing of concepts.
Abundant exercises are integrated at the end of each chapter to help consolidate students’ understanding of scientific concepts.
系 列 |
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中學教參書 |
出版 社 |
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顯智教育出版 |
出版日期 |
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2022年5月 |
書 度 |
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42 cm x 29.7 cm |
頁 數 |
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220頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789881548504 |
書 價 |
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HK$188 |
返回頁首 |
《Revision Series: Integrated Science Book Three (Third Edition)》
內容簡介 |
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The series comprises 3 volumes covering the core curriculum of Integrated Science.
Enormous effort was made to present scientific concepts in simple and concise English.
Bilingual glossaries of keywords are provided for easy reference.
Revision notes are presented in point forms to facilitate the understanding and memorizing of concepts.
Abundant exercises are integrated at the end of each chapter to help consolidate students’ understanding of scientific concepts.
系 列 |
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中學教參書 |
出版 社 |
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顯智教育出版 |
出版日期 |
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2019年3月 |
書 度 |
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42 cm x 29.7 cm |
頁 數 |
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166頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789887832041 |
書 價 |
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HK$188 |
返回頁首 |
《Revision Series: Junior History Volume Three》
內容簡介 |
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The series comprises 3 volumes covering the core curriculum of junior history.
Enormous effort was made to present concepts in simple and concise English.
Bilingual glossaries of keywords are provided for easy reference.
Revision notes are presented in point forms to facilitate the understanding and memorizing of concepts.
Abundant exercises are integrated at the end of each chapter to help consolidation of knowledge.
系 列 |
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中學教參書 |
出版 社 |
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顯智教育出版 |
出版日期 |
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2021年3月 |
書 度 |
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42 cm x 29.7 cm |
頁 數 |
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140頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789881305404 |
書 價 |
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HK$158 |
返回頁首 |
《Revision Series: Junior History Volume Two》
內容簡介 |
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The series comprises 3 volumes covering the core curriculum of junior history.
Enormous effort was made to present concepts in simple and concise English.
Bilingual glossaries of keywords are provided for easy reference.
Revision notes are presented in point forms to facilitate the understanding and memorizing of concepts.
Abundant exercises are integrated at the end of each chapter to help consolidation of knowledge.
系 列 |
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中學教參書 |
出版 社 |
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顯智教育出版 |
出版日期 |
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2022年11月 |
書 度 |
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42 cm x 29.7 cm |
頁 數 |
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194頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789881305343 |
書 價 |
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HK$158 |
返回頁首 |
《Revision Series: Junior Geography Volume Three》
內容簡介 |
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The series comprises 3 volumes covering the core curriculum of junior geography.
Enormous effort was made to present geographic concepts in simple and concise English.
Bilingual glossaries of keywords are provided for easy reference.
Revision notes are presented in point forms to facilitate the understanding and memorizing of concepts.
Abundant exercises are integrated at the end of each chapter to help consolidation of knowledge.
系 列 |
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中學教參書 |
出版 社 |
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顯智教育出版 |
出版日期 |
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2021年3月 |
書 度 |
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42 cm x 29.7 cm |
頁 數 |
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230頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789881416537 |
書 價 |
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HK$188 |
返回頁首 |
《Revision Series: Junior Geography Volume Two (Second Edition)》
內容簡介 |
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The series comprises 3 volumes covering the core curriculum of junior geography.
Enormous effort was made to present geographic concepts in simple and concise English.
Bilingual glossaries of keywords are provided for easy reference.
Revision notes are presented in point forms to facilitate the understanding and memorizing of concepts.
Abundant exercises are integrated at the end of each chapter to help consolidation of knowledge.
系 列 |
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中學教參書 |
出版 社 |
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顯智教育出版 |
出版日期 |
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2022年3月 |
書 度 |
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42 cm x 29.7 cm |
頁 數 |
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242頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789881305381 |
書 價 |
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HK$188 |
返回頁首 |
《Revision Series: Integrated Science Book One (Fourth Edition)》
內容簡介 |
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The series comprises 3 volumes covering the core curriculum of Integrated Science.
Enormous effort was made to present scientific concepts in simple and concise English.
Bilingual glossaries of keywords are provided for easy reference.
Revision notes are presented in point forms to facilitate the understanding and memorizing of concepts.
Abundant exercises are integrated at the end of each chapter to help consolidate students’ understanding of scientific concepts.
系 列 |
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中學教參書 |
出版 社 |
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顯智教育出版 |
出版日期 |
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2021年3月 |
書 度 |
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42 cm x 29.7 cm |
頁 數 |
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238頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789887832034 |
書 價 |
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HK$188 |
返回頁首 |
《Revision Series: Junior History Volume One ( Second Edition )》
內容簡介 |
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The series comprises 3 volumes covering the core curriculum of junior history.
Enormous effort was made to present geographic concepts in simple and concise English.
Bilingual glossaries of keywords are provided for easy reference.
Revision notes are presented in point forms to facilitate the understanding and memorizing of concepts.
Abundant exercises are integrated at the end of each chapter to help consolidation of knowledge.
系 列 |
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中學教參書 |
出版 社 |
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顯智教育出版 |
出版日期 |
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2023年8月 |
書 度 |
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42 cm x 29.7 cm |
頁 數 |
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148頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789887831990 |
書 價 |
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HK$158 |
返回頁首 |
《Revision Series: Junior Geography Volume One (Third Edition) 》
內容簡介 |
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The series comprises 3 volumes covering the core curriculum of junior geography.
Enormous effort was made to present geographic concepts in simple and concise English.
Bilingual glossaries of keywords are provided for easy reference.
Revision notes are presented in point forms to facilitate the understanding and memorizing of concepts.
Abundant exercises are integrated at the end of each chapter to help consolidation of knowledge.
系 列 |
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中學教參書 |
出版 社 |
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顯智教育出版 |
出版日期 |
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2022年3月 |
書 度 |
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42 cm x 29.7 cm |
頁 數 |
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200頁 |
釘 裝 |
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平裝 |
國際書號 |
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9789887832003 |
書 價 |
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HK$188 |
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[ 上一頁 ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [ 下一頁 ] 10頁 之 第 2 頁 (共 99 筆記錄)